Santa Criz de Eslava

Santa Criz de Eslava remains to this day the most impressive preserved Roman city in Navarre and probably in northern Spain. Occasionally events are organized that bring the splendor of the Roman era back to life. There are also guided tours available for groups (€3 per person), but unfortunately these are only given in Spanish. Fortunately, it is possible to visit this historic place independently free to visit.

Roman pillars


Around the year 195 BC, the Roman army came across a fortress located on top of a steep hill, which later became known as Santa Criz. When Emperor Augustus came to power, the city underwent a transformation in its appearance.


It was the principal public building erected at that time forum. This was a large open square built on a wide terrace on the hill. In addition, there were several other buildings that provided excellent examples of Roman public architecture in the region. The southern part of the square must have housed the basilica. This was an administrative and judicial building with two naves, decorated with pillars and capitals.

Forum of Santa Criz


South of the city and separate from the urban core lie the preserved remains of one necropolis, which literally 'city of the dead' means, a vast cemetery. Members of important families of that time were buried here, such as the Calpurnii, Emilia Vafra or the Picula. Offerings have been discovered within this cemetery, including seeds, ceramic fragments, dice and other daily utensils. These artifacts give us insight into the burial rituals that took place between the 1st and 4th centuries AD, when this necropolis was in use.

Some graves of the necropolis


In the village of Eslava there is an exhibition with some of the most representative objects discovered during the excavations. Eslava is only an 8-minute drive from the Roman city. This exhibition will remain open until 2024 and can be visited on Saturdays and Sundays until the end of December 2023 for €5 per person. Advance reservations are required to visit the exhibition. In addition, it is possible to purchase a “pack” for €6.50 per person, where a tour includes both the ruins and the exhibition. For more information, click here.

Some objects from this exhibition can also be seen in it virtual museum.

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